Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Line of sight

The line of sight in an image is very important as it determines the direction and order in which your eye moves. Making sure that the background lines of sight don't become confused with the centre of interest can be key to the success of an image. 

This is the image i chose for the line of sight session today. Its line of sight goes from the top right corner of where the women are looking round in a circle suggesting movement.
The next brief is on transport so here i am looking at transport focusing on line of sight and composition. I am thinking that i will do a picture with a hot air balloon- here are my quick initial sketches for the composition of the image. 

Monday, 24 February 2014

skylines for illustrator workshop

Final Poster

Here is the poster design for this brief. We planned on going to create a poster like the one in our sketches, however on the Friday that we met up to do the poster, it was raining and meant that it would not be possible to build a big cardboard 'pyramid'. To work around this, we found an image from the GIF shoot that suited the message that we wanted to portray and overlaid some text to add to the image. 

We knew that the image should do the majority of the talking but in this case it was probably more suited with the text rather than a stand alone image. We also thought that a poster in context would probably have some text overlaid. However, less text would definitely of been more valuable. 

The message communicated here is that of recycling, however this was not really out message. Our message was to show our frustration and anger at the amount of excessive and unneeded packaging for products which i do not think has been achieved.

The Gif!

Here is the final GIF. I am super pleased with how it has gone. We were trying to achieve something that was almost ironic- a recycling keyring (that is obviously environmentally aware) being packaged within something that is obviously not environmentally aware. Shooting the GIF itself was fairly easy- we all pulled together to ensure consistency and quality throughout. 

We had a little trouble when shooting because it started raining so we had to wrap the camera in a plastic bag and work super fast before the cardboard boxes got soggy and flimsy. We also had a problem compiling the GIF but that is detailed in a previous blog post.

Postcard Brief- Initial Response

Here are a few photos I have found of cities that could be nice to use for the new postcard brief. I am trying to find cities that are rich with imagery and are very iconic; this may mean that they may be a bit cliche and i will try to steer away from this.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Viewpoint & Depth- 3 Figures

Here is my response to this task that I did in the print room. It was really difficult to translate what I had on paper onto the copper plate as you could not really see what you were drawing and once you had made a mark, you could not erase it. I don't like my outcome but I feel that this task has helped me learn about this process and the pro's and con's of it whilst teaching me about composition of an image. 

The viewpoint and depth session itself was a very interesting and challenging session. Viewpoint and depth is something that can 'make or break' an image. I have found from this session that I naturally want to draw things sideways on instead of a more dynamic and interesting angle- I definitely need to focus more to overcome this.  

Depth can give the illusion of distance in the image, it allows the viewer to relate to the image more. Viewpoint can give insight to the viewer themselves, dominant figures may show importance in the image and vice versa. 

I particularly like the one above, I like the mix of depths of the subject paired with the 'rule of thirds' that I have tried to incorporate. I feel this image could work as my chosen composition. 

Friday, 14 February 2014

Planning the GIF

Here we are in Hyde Park. We chose a location that looked as untarnished and full of nature as possible (for Leeds City Centre anyway!). The pictures below show us adjusting the camera (that we had on a tripod) until we found a position that matched our story board sketches and also where the composition of the image worked well. 

To make sure that the images for the GIF were constant we used a tripod and also made sure that the DSLR camera was zoomed out fully so that we didn't have to worry about being careful of changing any settings etc. 

Creating the GIF

Here we are creating the GIF on Adobe Photoshop, thankfully Joe knew how to make a GIF so we helped him while he was mostly in charge of the technical side of things. 

We did experience a problem or two during creating the GIF; firstly the computer was unbelievably slow because we had around 50 frames (photos) that were each about 6mb all on the 1 photoshop file. Linking on to this, when the GIF was finally created, the final GIF itself looked as if we had used the 'posterise' effect on it because the file size was so massive. After seeking advice and help from the computer staff, we then created an 'action' to resize all the separate images in a batch, we then imported them all in again and created the GIF. This time it worked and the GIF looks great.

Monday, 10 February 2014

That's Pants

These are the sheets from our development of our idea. We came into this meeting being very unclear on where our 'Thats Pants' project was going. After beginning to write out stuff we thought was pants and slowly refine these ideas until we had a final thing that we all believed was pants and thought was strong enough to develop into a poster and GIF.

SB 1- Thats Pants

“You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.” ― Harlan Ellison

Starting the new brief 'That's Pants'.

Some initial ideas of things that I think are pants/first world problems:
Being invited to someones house to hang out and you all automatically just play on your phones. 
Going to starbucks and they write your name wrong on the cup.
Buying a train ticket and the conductor doesn't even come round to check.

I then got into my group and we began to brainstorm things that were pants, or things that were rubbish or first world problems. Below are some of the things we came up with. 

After we had agreed upon a subject that would be good for the brief- scaring the wrong person (by mistake). Below we are exploring this idea, we even created a mathematical equation to show it!

People getting scared research... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U447q0o3v_g

Tuesday, 4 February 2014


Today i have been working with frame and composition. It has been very challenging and something that i have had to really work on. I am fairly pleased with my outcome but i know that there is a long way to go regarding how i compose an image. 

I really like the composition above, it's symmetry is what I wanted to explore more.

I have explored this symmetry more, I made the elephant bigger but the image is was still not very dynamic or interesting as it is sideways on. I then went on to try more interesting ways focusing on showing how big the elephant is. 

The final outcome is not too good but it is better than most of the other ideas that i have explored. It would of worked much better if i had of added more texture to the elephant and worked on the hand more of the face.

Composition is definitely something that i need to work on.