The Visual Language module has been probably my favourite module over the whole year. It is refreshing every tuesday be able to just 'make nice pictures' rather than concentrating too much on concepts and context. Throughout this module I have tried to disregard preconceptions on how I usually draw, or collage etc and just experiment and play to hopefully become a better illustrator as a result.
1. Which practical skills and methodologies have you developed within this module and how effectively do you think you are employing them within your own practice?
Some of the practical skills that I feel I have developed is my printing skills, both screen printing, dry point and etching. In my own practice I am definitely employing the skills that I have learnt. The screen printing has informed many areas of my work as well as the textures that I have created in the print workshops. In general, I have become a better drawer which is always good.
2. Which principles/theories of image making have you found most valuable during this module and how effectively do you think you are employing these within your own practice?
The handouts that we were given in the sessions were very valuable (and the teaching), they led me to properly think about the way that I construct an image instead of just going with my first idea without considering composition. The visual language sessions, towards the end especially, have challenged me to add depth to my image and from this point and stop than from being flat and not really dynamic. From this module I have learnt more about my way of working and how i compose an image- for example, I tend to draw out the 'format' of an image in many different ways when planning a final image without being concerned how the drawing looks, but more the composition and how the image will be read when properly drawn out.
3. What strengths can you identify within your Visual Language submission where you capitalise on these?
A strength of mine could be that I have done my best to put a lot of effort into each task. Instead of just doing minimum through this module, I have tried to make each piece like a mini-brief and explore this. I feel that my 'take' on each of the weeks has been very different from week to week- which I like. I have loved adding in texture into my work and since the week where we looked at 'shape and texture', I have included it into most of my pieces of work solely because it improves the work so much and makes it much more interesting. I feel that the best way for progression is to keep playing with different media and approaches and evaluating which are working well for me to build a unique 'way of working' that suits me and even becomes recognisable.
A strength of mine could be that I have done my best to put a lot of effort into each task. Instead of just doing minimum through this module, I have tried to make each piece like a mini-brief and explore this. I feel that my 'take' on each of the weeks has been very different from week to week- which I like. I have loved adding in texture into my work and since the week where we looked at 'shape and texture', I have included it into most of my pieces of work solely because it improves the work so much and makes it much more interesting. I feel that the best way for progression is to keep playing with different media and approaches and evaluating which are working well for me to build a unique 'way of working' that suits me and even becomes recognisable.
4. What areas for development can you identify within your Visual Language submission and how will you address these in the future?
Something that i definitely need to work with more is the composition of image and how your eye reads the image. For example, I often draw things sideways on naturally, so it is important for me to keep looking for exciting ways to draw. Towards the start of the module I found it very challenging to do the set amount of drawings for each week, this was probably because I was focusing too much on getting all the drawings done and them looking 'good' than I was on the task's intent.
5. In what way has this module informed how you deconstruct and analyse artwork (whether your own or that of contemporary practitioners)?
This module has led me to looking at illustration in a new way- often when we had a 'line' week or a week when we were studying 'shape' or 'texture', I found myself looking at the world around me through this lens. I took photos of new, exciting textures, looked at objects and imagined them as a line drawing etc. Not only this but when I have been on illustration/design websites/blogs online I have found that I have been subconsciously asking myself 'why does this illustration work so well?' and trying to incorporate these ideas into my own work.
The handouts have also helped my work, they have helped me see why some images work much more than others, the handouts have even informed how I read graphic design work. The colour theory lecture has inspired me to deeply consider colour in an image as it truly can determine the success of an image.
The handouts have also helped my work, they have helped me see why some images work much more than others, the handouts have even informed how I read graphic design work. The colour theory lecture has inspired me to deeply consider colour in an image as it truly can determine the success of an image.
6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
(please indicate using an ‘x’)
5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor
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Quantity of work produced
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Quality of work produced
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Contribution to the group
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