Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Final Books

I have finished all my books (yay!). I have made all 5 of my books,  I am really pleased with it. I do feel that there are some things that I would like to change but overall I am satisfied.

In industry, I would of printed these as spot colours on proper spot colour printers to save money. However this would of only of been beneficial and cost effective if I had of done a big print run that was probably more like 500-1000+ copies. It was not appropriate here so I printed it on the professional printers in digital print. 

The cost of creating one of these books is £2.40 so if i were to sell these books i would either up the price to £4 or use a cheaper stock and sell it for £2.50 to make some profit.


Its that time where i have to bind all 5 of my books!! I have chosen to use the simple method that I learnt a few years back which you can see in the image below. I measured out each pin hole with a ruler to keep consistency throughout the books. I then used thread to bind it altogether. It turned out very well!

spot chanels

Here I have put my image into spot channels. It won't however be beneficial to my printing as the print run is in the single digits and it would cost more to produce. It is however good to know for the longterm if i get asked to illustrate a job using spot colours.

Final piece

This is my final piece, I am really pleased with it. I feel that there are some things that I would like to change but overall I am satisfied.

In industry I would of printed these as spot colours on proper spot colour printers to save money. However this would of only of been beneficial and cost effective if I had of done a big print run. Probably 500-1000+ copies.

The cost of creating one of these books is £2.40 so if i were to sell these books i would either up the price to £4 or use a cheaper stock and sell it for £2.50. 

Tuesday, 12 May 2015


Unfortunately I have not had time to finalise and print the map. I have tried to show the idea the best i can in the time left available. I wanted to layer all of the different independent industries to create a map that combines colours and is really visually appealing to look at. I was going to make it so that this map was slipped inside each of the books as you bought them then if you collect all the books you can have a completed finished piece of artwork that you could even frame! What i am going to do is finish this map off after the deadline has passed and then approach different places in Leeds to see if they would like to buy the idea/product.

Monday, 11 May 2015


In my tutorial we discussed the layout of my page idea (below). To make my work more dynamic and exciting we thought that it would be a good idea to make the handwritten text more loose around the page and to change the page layout from a strict text on the left and image on the right to something more organic.

Below is the changed layout. I feel that it has made the work so much more intriguing and exciting for the reader. It now looks really fun and playful. 

Friday's crit peer feedback

Fridays crit.
I got a lot of feedback that I will definitely take into account and work to. The improvements given have been really helpful of what specific things that I should do to help my module.

General feedback:

  • Wonderful colour palette, seems very refined and well selected.
  • Love it, consistent.
  • Really interesting idea.
  • Really cool idea and nice palette. Also really useful, are you producing books?
  • Really well crafted images.
  • Great uniformity across the pages.
  • Really well drawn scenes- you nailed the perspective.
  • Nice resolutions, crisp yet wispy and gestural. Good balance.
Peer review feedback:
Demonstrate an informed understanding of issues relating to media, communication, audience and context through the delivery of solutions to brief led problems or clearly identified creative concerns. (Knowledge &Understanding - Critical Awareness)

- Evidence of contextual research
- Good body of work both in quality and size

- Needs some more annotation on research findings
-Additional blog posts needed on development stages.

Understand the potential and limitations of technologies and processes used in the production of illustration for 2d,3d and/or 4d distribution. (Knowledge and Understanding - Research)

  • considered layout of book, evidenced how it would work on a spread
  • evidence of how it would look on products such as a bottle packaging in early development

  • document evidence of researching the technologies involved in book binding and printing

Analyse and critically evaluate the impact of social, cultural, technological and/or ethical concerns on the development of solutions to problems relevant to individual creative concerns.
(Cognitive Skills - Problem Analysis, Problem Solving)

  • considered audience and why illustration are appropriate in book format

  • target audience down to who exactly it is in the individual blog post.
  • consider environmental impact
  • consider a mock ebook
Explore and apply a range of appropriate practical and conceptual approaches to self-determined ideas, concepts, solutions/proposals in response to own identified intentions and relevant practices. (Practical Skills - Practical and Conceptual Development)

  • considered different styles and formats (bottle to book)
  • Document how text/type developed

Produce technically competent and conceptually appropriate outcomes to identified problems through the selection and application of visual skills. (Practical Skills - Visual Quality and Technical Competence)

  • thought gone into colour, style and format
  • perhaps show experimentation with different paper stocks to see which works best
  • consider handwritten cover

Demonstrate the ability to plan and carry out a period of increasingly self-directed study through the appropriate use of workshop areas, studio activity and project management skills.
(key transferable Skills - Presentation and Evaluation)

  • well time tabled
  • boards clear and easy to read
  • catch u with blogging

General Comments
  • more research on the manufacture of books to the level of research of bottled ginger beer

Art Prints

I had an idea to approach the businesses that I looked at with their personalised drawing and to see if they wanted to buy a one off print of it. I could sell these for £30, even if just 5 of the 30 businesses buy one I would make a nice chunk of money. Its definitely worth looking into as the cost of one of these prints to produce will only be around £4. 

ebook proposals

With the digital becoming more prominent in society, it is only fitting that I turn my books into an ebook! This would be really nice for people who are going to visit leeds to look at and find out about  the independent places around leeds before they visit. It also may encourage people to buy the real thing with the map included too. 

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Type vs handwriting

In my group crit I received some feedback that said a hand drawn front cover may look better than the type. So i tried it out. I agree with the feedback and feel that it fits in more with the overall feel of the book. It definitely looks more exciting and is a different in general to most existing books like this. 


Friday, 8 May 2015

Boards for crit

This is my progress so far, my print slot is not until monday so i have not been able to print out my books yet. The artwork is finished i just need to finish doing the text over the top.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Book Pages

I have completed 2 of my pages so far (28 to go!). I am really pleased with how they are going so far- they look intriguing and exciting and as if an illustrator has done them. In a good way i hope.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Target audience

To clarify... the audience of this book is people of Leeds. The audience is for people, in general, who celebrate independent companies and pride themselves in visiting these places.

Once the book is produced, i feel that I could visit the places that I have looked at and see if they would like to purchase a print of their location. Many independent places would be thrilled to see a piece of artwork made for them so it may make a bit of money for me.

I am also going to contact Independent Leeds ( and see their views on featuring some of my work on their website/instagram page. I found out about Independent Leeds not long ago, they have recently created a 'little black book which contains a range of independent places in Leeds. The production was funded by companies in Leeds.