Tuesday, 6 October 2015

6 Briefs

Pick 1 article from the week and spend a 48 hours illustrating it.
It may be good to pick something like The New Yorker for articles or even the Metro.
This is good for my interest in editorial illustration. It will force me to work to a small timescale which will impact the way that I go about my practice in the future. It will prepare me for those jobs that need doing fast and efficiently in order to get them done by the deadline. It will also teach me time management skills when juggling other modules.

Here is a really good article that I have found on creating editorial illustration...  http://gomedia.com/zine/tutorials/tutorial-the-making-of-an-editorial-illustration-with-these-are-things/

Choose a book series (of around 5 books) and re-illustrate their covers so they fit as a set.
Hunger games- The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mocking Jay
I think that redesigning these book covers would be a challenge for me and force me to think outside the box. I feel that the current covers are quite lacking in visual potential and could be redesigned into something really exciting. This would be quite difficult as i struggle with large pieces of text but I would love to get into book cover design so this would be a perfect brief for me to have a go at.

BRIEF 3: Live brief (already commissioned)
Create an EP cover for 'Fight the Dice'.
I was asked by a friend to design his band's EP cover. This is going to be something that I have never done before but the idea that I have put forward means that I can really express myself on the cover and create something exciting. This brief will give me opportunity to show off my skills (due to it being quite open) as well as having the challenge of trying to show of the band to the best of my ability.

BRIEF 4: Live brief
The book illustration competition 2016- deadline 18th January
 You must submit three illustrations, each of a different scene from the book and design a binding for War Horse (£15 entry fee)
This book will be quite interesting to illustrate as I have never really been into historical topics like the war for example. Often I find it quite a scary and daunting subject to tackle so naturally I thought it would be good to illustrate this book! It is going to be a test of my ability but it seems good to try push my self to come up with a response to this brief.

BRIEF 5: Live brief
Darts project- Digital Arts and Storytelling- deadline november 25th
"Be inspired by the stories of ancient buildings and create your artwork."
The task here is to create artwork for a building to provoke interest in that historical building. There are 3 buildings to choose from- Vila Rufolo, Landcommanderij Alden Biersen and Muzeul Castelul Corvinilor. They want digital artwork which is why i chose this brief as I feel that digital artwork is one of my strong points. Designing an image for promotion of a building/historical site is something that I have never done before. Focussing solely on 1 building will be really exciting and a change to what I do normally despite architecture being a love of mine.

Create a children's book illustrating different types of fish and exploring the species documenting where they are found and celebrating the unique qualities about them.
This is quite a big project but it could be narrowed down to just a poster showing different types of popular fish in a certain area (e.g the carribean reef).
This project with help me to explore an area that I haven't really looked at yet- wildlife. Some of the more exotic fish would be really exciting to illustrate and would challenge me to interpret complex information and simplify it down to an understandable graphic for children.

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