Wednesday, 22 April 2015


The module has brought me into something so much bigger than the brief's that were just made for this course. It has expanded my scope and my thinking to something much more industry based than before. The module has been tricky in terms of the briefs were quite specific in some cases (Save The Children) it was much more than the briefs on the course, however some briefs were so open that you had to create your own mini brief within it to help you form a direction.

The collaborative brief was another enjoyable one. Two heads were definitely better than one in this case as we produced an idea that I feel we were both proud of. Thankfully there was no falling outs during this brief. I feel that this is because we are both quite easy going, our 'style' compliments each others and we decided on the direction very early on so that our vision for the solution was very clear. We also gave each other jobs so that we weren't 'stepping on each others toes' however for the final boards we did sit down and decide the text and layout together.

The individual briefs were a mixture of emotions! Some of the briefs were quite easy going and were very enjoyable, others began easily but soon opened up into a plethora of problems. One of my favourite briefs was the Tiger Print- Make Your Mark brief. It was great to just have fun trying out different techniques of mark making, using different brushes and also using photoshop to keep a clean, professional look.

Probably my least favourite brief was the 'Owen Goes To Australia' children's book. This was because I was illustrating it in a certain way that I wouldn't work normally and I didn't really like the tone of voice that came across with it. It also proved a massive pain as there was lots of changes and even complete redesigns that happened without extra pay. Moral of the story- make a contract and make it clear that changes cost extra!

I have definitely developed my skills over the course of this module; it has taught me how to present work to a professional standard. It has developed my skills in layout and type so that I can display my work in the best way. I’ve also grown in knowledge on mocking up products and the power in suggesting to make something instead of actually making it. I have also developed skills in collaboration work and how to manage a project together. Another skill that I have developed is dealing with clients as a few of my briefs had people directly telling me how they wanted it and even telling me what to change so that it fitted the outcome that they envisioned.

Many of the briefs that I tackled did not include enough research, sometimes I didn't read the brief properly, other times I did not develop my ideas enough. If i were to do this module again I would of done at least 2 pages of sketches for each brief and also scrutinised every piece of information in project packs and briefs so I didn't get it wrong at times.

This module has been really fun yet challenging as each brief proved so very different! Each brief threw different aims, deliverables, constraints and limitations. Because of the sheer amount of briefs that I undertook and was asked to do, I feel the quality in some briefs may of dropped slightly. This is expected; maybe I should of undertook less briefs and concentrated on the existing ones more.

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