Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Editorial Article- "Ivory Funded Terrorism"

Here is my editorial illustration where I used 'spot' illustrations to illustrate the article. I am fairly happy with how the article turned out. For this brief I had not much other choice than to illustrate it from a conceptual perspective. The article was quite lacking of solid imagery, which was kind of nice because it provided me with a challenge to really think about the illustrations. 

Something that I had difficulty with was balancing the image- i did not want the text to overtake the spots or vice versa. I was also aware that the spot illustrations were all different sizes so I tried out many different positions before this one worked. In hindsight the  magnifying glass could probably of done to have been higher up in order for it to feel more balanced as a whole. 

In industry, creating spot illustrations would not usually require you to lay them out for the article with the text. You would just submit them and the art director would sort out that. This gives me confidence!

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