Monday, 1 February 2016


My current idea is to create a story book that follows a character around the Amazon Rainforest and helps to inform and explain to the reader (children age 4-9) the different animals and plants. I plan for it to be a 32 page book full of great illustrations. I want the book to have the essence of the rainforest- teaming with life! Not real life of course.

I have been really inspired by Owen Davey's book Mad about Monkeys (maybe a bit too inspired- i must make sure my work does not morph into this book). Owen created this book for Flying Eye books (NoBrow). I emailed him about it asking how he got the job to create the book. It was really interesting how he was so open to doing whatever kind of book- how they threw some ideas around and then he ended up doing a book about monkeys that he didn't plan on doing. This is really interesting to know for the future if ever get the chance to work with a book publisher for a children's book.

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