Monday, 17 November 2014

I intend to produce...
A 40 second sting introducing a documentary on Richard Sennet's life particularly focussing on his most notable book 'The Craftsman' and the themes within this book. I have chosen to make it this size as it seems relevant to the information that i want to portray. 

The content will focus on...
The content of this will focus on Sennet's life, traditions and passion for work, how every class and every profession has a 'craft' 

I will be aiming to communicate...
I aim to convey a sense of intrigue into watching this documentary and finding out more about craft, I aim to communicate an excitement to find out more about Sennett himself. 

Quotes I will include will be:
"Every person can be a craftsman, they just have passion for their work" "EVERYONE"
'Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work'
 “Craftsmanship names an enduring, basic human impulse, the desire to do a job well for its own sake.” 

To an audience of...
This documentary will be aimed at Richard Sennett fans, people who are interested in craft, people who are interested in social issues regarding motivation in the workplace and having a passion for your work.  
I am going to make my animation out of multimedia. A mix of hand drawn, digital and collage. I feel that this will be suited most to my way of working and will also be time efficient.

I am very interested in the work of Matthew Young- he used a mix of media and doesn't constrain himself to a particular 'style'
The context my product will exist in will be for a TV advertisement. 

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